On Fri, 9 Nov 2018 23:16:15 -0500
George Koehler <kern...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Simutrans is a transport simulator.  Your transport company moves
> passengers, mail, raw materials, or goods by rail, road, ship, or air.
> Passengers and freight have destinations and won't use your vehicles
> unless you take them where they want to go.

I am attaching my 2nd revision of the port.  The biggest change is to
add pak128 and pak128.Britain and split the port into 5 packages:

        games/simutrans/simutrans       simutrans-120.4.1
        games/simutrans/makeobj         simutrans-makeobj-60.2
        games/simutrans/pak128          simutrans-pak128-2.8.1
        games/simutrans/pak128.britain  simutrans-pak128.britain-1.18
        games/simutrans/pak64           simutrans-pak64-120.4.1

(I was low of disk space in /usr/local, so I was able to make the
package of simutrans-pak128 but not to install it.)

If you built my old port from 9 Nov, you will need to remove it before
using today's revised port:
# pkg_delete simutrans simutrams-makeobj
# rm /usr/ports/plist/*/simutrans* /usr/ports/packages/*/*/simutrans*
# rm -r /usr/ports/pobj/simutrans*

The old port fetched to /usr/ports/distfiles/ but today's port fetches
to /usr/ports/distfiles/simutrans/, so you may want to move or remove
the old distfiles.

Other changes:

 - Most importantly, I corrected the revision number for multiplayer.
   It is 8600, not 8588.  (120.4.1 went out 5 days after 120.4; the
   announcement of 120.4.1 wrongly copied 8588 from 120.4.)
 - A new patch-Makefile replaces the old port's do-build target.
 - Some patches are upstream; I marked them with the svn revision
   number and a link to the GitHub mirror.
 - I edited the pkg/README.
 - The version of simutrans-makeobj changed from 120.4.1 to 60.2.

makeobj 60.2 was released with simutrans 120.4, but I am building it
from 120.4.1.  I compared the sources and believe that the only change
to makeobj 60.2 between 120.4 and 120.4.1 is in this message:

$ /usr/local/libexec/simutrans/makeobj
Makeobj version 60.2 for Simutrans 120.4.1 and higher

Now that paksets have their own packages, there is a potential
problem.  When the packages get updated, one might update a pakset
without updating simutrans.  The pakset packages don't check if
simutrans is too old.  For example, this might happen:

 - There might be a new version of simutrans-pak64, that requires a
   new version of simutrans.
 - The bulk build packages simutrans-pak64 but fails simutrans.
 - User runs pkg_add -u
 - It updates simutrans-pak64 but finds no update for simutrans.
 - Game becomes unplayable.

George Koehler <kern...@gmail.com>

Attachment: simutrans.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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