Edward Lopez-Acosta <elopezaco...@gmail.com> wrote:

> What is the logic in not updating this for -stable too?

There are no magic fairies building -stable packages on a constant

> Because they constantly update for security issues and this is not convenient?

Yes.  Also it isn't just a matter of building using robots.  Fairies
would need to keep a close eye on things, because it is a complicated

As a result, it would detract from their time working on newer issues.

There are 3 kinds of projects out there:

- ones that maintain -stable variations using lots of $$$ they get
  from support contracts
- ones that maintain -stable variations using teams, but then they
  don't do so much future-facing work (security or not) in other
- the OpenBSD approach of doing substantial security work in the base
  system, adapting largely unready software to the new tougher rules,
  and making a release every 6 months which is still pretty bleeding

> Security is not always convenient.

Security isn't achieved by simply being a robot building the latest
software.  There are factors you cannot simply wave away with a wand.

> Or am I somehow confused by the goals of the OpenBSD project?

Probably.  Isn't everyone?

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