Kristaps Dzonsons <> wrote:
> > There are two common methods used by programs that depend on database
> > schema. One is probably best described as "YOLO", i.e. don't bother
> > checking anything, not ideal but it is very common. The other is to have
> > a schema version stored in the database and refuse to run if it's not as
> > expected.
> > 
> > There are plenty of things in ports that require schema updates from
> > time to time and I don't think there's a single one that stops running
> > services etc.
> In this case, if the collector daemon were running during an update,
> it'll just halt when it detects the disparity.  Which also seems not
> expected.  (The CGI not running is fine, as it'd die if the CGI were
> mode 0 anyway.)
> So the choices seem to be do nothing and have the daemon just die, which
> is not expected; or to have some sort of stop/start facility, which is
> also not expected.
> Upon looking back at expected behaviour, the install guide stipulates
> rebooting after pkg_add -u anyway.  So I guess it doesn't matter that
> the collector dies during pkg_add since we're going to reboot, no?
> If that's the case, I'll add the version checking and resend.

hello, I would take databases/postgresql as an example. It doesn't
automatically update the databases in case of major upgrade, and the package
README file explains how to upgrade.

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