On Fri, Jun 22 2018, Maximilian Pichler <maxim.pich...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Just a quick note sharing my experience compiling these two package
> versions. I wanted the latest version of hugins, which requires
> wxWidgets >= 3, whereas ports currently only has 2.8.

fwiw x11/wxWidgets has recently been updated to 3.0.4, so...

> So I compiled wxWidgets with ./configure --prefix
> ~/opt/wxWidgets-3.0.4/ CC=cc CXX=c++ (otherwise it picks up gcc) and
> then hugins with cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/opt/hugin-2018.0.0
> -DwxWidgets_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE=~/opt/wxWidgets-3.0.4/bin/wx-config ..
> Without having done very extensive testing, this seems to have worked.

upgrading hugin should be doable.

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