Hi Raf,

> [...]
> I've re-tested it, now that the new package includes the patch, but
> I'm left with the same behaviour as before - when I move around,
> the laptop does not connect to any other APs. It *does* reconnect
> to the AP it has originally associated with and, only then, do I
> see any output in 'wpa_cli', which stays silent otherwise (i.e. as
> I walk around the building).
> I've tested both eduroam and one other 802.1x network.
> I'd like to get this diagnosed but could do with some pointers...
> [...]

Have you tried running `route monitor`, keeping that running and walking
around to see what happens if you go out of range? Sometimes, the kernel
takes a bit of time to actually switch APs, but if it does, you should
see an RTM_80211INFO or RTM_IFINFO message in `route monitor`'s output.

If you do get such a message, could you paste it for us so we can take a
peek at it?


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