On Wed, Jan 09, 2019 at 09:24:48AM -0600, Jay Williams wrote:
> > Why using --nodetach and then rc_bg=YES ?
> Without the --nodetach flag, the Sphinx daemon doesn't keep listening on the
> specified inet ports. (There very well may be a bug in this version of
> Sphinx, especially considering it's age, but that's beyond my skills.)
> According to the searchd(1) man page, it states:
> > --nodetach
> >     Do not 'daemonize', or, do not detach into background. Apart debug
> >     purposes, this switch is useful when you manage sphinx with upstart
> >     init daemon. In this case actual 'daemonizing' will be done by
> >     upstart itself, and also all tasks like starting, stopping,
> >     reloading the config and respawning on crash will be done by the
> >     system, not the sphinx.
> Using the --nodetach flag, in combination with rc_bg allows rcctl to
> reliability control the searchd process. I tried numerous other
> combinations, and they only proved partially successful or failed
> completely.

Ok so that's to workaround a bug.
At the very least it warrants a comment in the rc.d script.


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