On Fri 22/02 16:26, Landry Breuil wrote:
> Hi,
> here's an update to telegraf 1.9.4, now using sysutils/dep instead of go
> get to fetch 'dep' (which produced broken results) - changed mode/group
> ownership of the @sampled config file as it might contain credentials,
> as noted by Joel Carnat (thanks !). made it root:_telegraf 0640 as
> theres no need for telegraf itself to write its config file.
> I again had to jump through hoops to 'fix' EINVAL when using
> inputs.system plugin, overwriting the bundled x/sys module by the port
> source helps.. go ecosystem is tiring.
> if it works for you, fine :) as i dont really use it, dont count on me
> to care much more about it..
> Landry


Thanks for the update! I just compiled it and installed on two servers.
So far, it seems to be working great.

Not sure if that's relevant as I may have had an old 1.9.0 WIP archive.
But in case it is, I got a reject on the Makefile while patching.
And I had to manually replace the V variable:
--- Makefile.orig       Fri Dec  7 09:25:48 2018
+++ Makefile    Fri Feb 22 16:53:27 2019
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 COMMENT =      plugin-driven server agent for collecting metrics

-V =            1.9.0
+V =            1.9.4
 DISTNAME =     telegraf-${V}
 GH_ACCOUNT =   influxdata

@@ -40,8 +45,7 @@
        mkdir -p ${WRKDIR}/go/src/github.com/influxdata/
        ftp -o ${WRKDIR}/${DISTFILES} 
        tar -C ${WRKDIR}/go/src/github.com/influxdata/ -xzf 
-       ${SETENV} ${MODGO_ENV} go get github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
-       cd ${WRKDIR}/go/src/github.com/influxdata/${DISTNAME} && ${SETENV} 
${MODGO_ENV} ${WRKDIR}/go/bin/dep ensure
+       cd ${WRKDIR}/go/src/github.com/influxdata/${DISTNAME} && ${SETENV} 
${MODGO_ENV} ${TRUEPREFIX}/bin/dep ensure
        rm -Rf ${WRKDIR}/go/{bin,pkg} 
        cd ${WRKDIR}/go/src/github.com/influxdata/ && tar -czf 
/usr/ports/distfiles/${DISTFILES} ${DISTNAME}

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