Dear ports@ readers,

this is a proposal for a new port: magic 8.1.224, a venerable VLSI layout tool, written in the 1980's at Berkeley by John Ousterhout (now famous primarily for Tcl), still very popular with universities and small companies, and an integral part of Qflow (not yet in the tree), where it is used as layout viewer and for parasitics extraction and DRC (but it can do a lot more).

Magic is an interactive system for creating and modifying VLSI
circuit layouts. It is used to design basic cells and to combine
them hierarchically into large structures.

Magic understands quite a bit about the nature of circuits. It has
built-in knowledge of layout rules; during editing, it continuously
checks for rule violations. Magic also knows about connectivity and
transistors, and contains a built-in hierarchical circuit extractor.
It has a plow operation that permits to stretch or compact cells.
Lastly, Magic has routing tools to make the circuit interconnections.

Magic is based on the Mead-Conway style of design: it uses simplified
design rules and circuit structures that make it easier layout drawing
and permit Magic to provide powerful assistance, at the cost of
slightly less dense circuits.

There are 2 branches, distribution (8.1) and development (8.2); the former is now reasonably stable, and should be expected to work without undue issues; let's stay on that.

Upstream configure script is a wrapper around the one actually generated by autoconf, so I used:


and patched it adding -std=c89 and -Wno-parentheses to CFLAGS, in order to get rid of the huge amount of Wimplicit-function-declaration and Wno-parentheses warnings.

Upstream makefile has been patched in order to log errors and warnings to stdout.

Other patches have essentially to do with termios functions; in particular, txGetTermState is not defined is OpenBSD; please carefully review what I made in patches/patch-textio_txInput_c, since I just tried to adapt some code found on the Internet used for similar situations; neither I really understand if those functions are actually needed when the Tcl/Tk version is used (this is the case for our port).

Taking MAINTAINER, tarball attached.


Attachment: magic.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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