On Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 05:22:47PM -0700, Andrew Hewus Fresh wrote:
> > I have produced the patch with 'diff -u cvsweb.orig cvsweb' directly in the
> > /var/www/cgi-bin directory.  Credit goes to Ezio Paglia for finding this XSS
> > vuln.  Also the cvsweb at openbsd.org is affected and can be checked with:
> I looked this over and updated the patch to be against the port.  It
> seems to be good and I only found a couple other places that needed to
> be escaped, the "stickyvars" section and the tr1/tr2 inputs in doLog,
> although r1, r2, tr1 and tr2 are part of "unsafevars" so their content
> is pretty limited already.
> It was a pretty quick look so I don't doubt that there are more, and I
> didn't actually get a chance to test it out, so hopefully someone else
> can.
> > https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/src/sbin/clri/clri.c?f=%22%3E%3Cscript%3Ealert(%27XSS%27)%3C/script%3E
> > 
> > in chrome the XSS check activates immediately, I don't know what firefox 
> > does.
> With NoScript it throws up a big error saying there was an attempted
> XSS, without NoScript it throws up an alert box saying "XSS".

> Index: Makefile


Thanks for the help!  I have applied your patch and it went cleanly (commands
were cd /usr/ports/devel/cvsweb; patch -p0 < cvsweb.patch), I then rebuilt
the port with "make reinstall" no problem there either.  The CGI is the newly
built CGI as discovered with ls.  A quick test shows that it applied the
XSS escapes.

Best Regards,

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