Dear ports@ readers,

this is a proposal for a new port: netgen 1.5.118, a tool for netlist comparison (LVS) and format manipulation.

Netgen is a tool for comparing netlists, a process known as LVS (Layout
vs. Schematic). This is an important step in the VLSI IC design flow,
ensuring that the geometry that has been laid out matches the expected

Netgen is considered complete and competitive with commercial-grade
tools. Code was added to handle device properties and to resolve
parallel combinations of devices whether individually instantiated
or implied through the use of the "M" property. Serial and parallel
networks of passive devices are analyzed and compared between networks.

The port is pretty "standard": I just patched the upstream Makefile to log warning and error messages to stderr, the GNU-style configure script (bypassing a very trivial wrapper) to add usual OpenBSD settings and the shebang line for bash in the main script.

Also, adding "CFLAG = -std=c89" removes a bunch of warning messages during build step, making the output much more readable.

Finally, I moved the documentation to the standard location (please note that no manpage exists for this tool).

Taking MAINTAINER, tarball attached.


Attachment: netgen.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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