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On Tue, Mar 12 2019, Raphael Graf <> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 08:06:59PM +0100, Jeremie Courreges-Anglas wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 10 2019, Raphael Graf <> wrote:
>> > The attached portmidi.tar.gz contains a port of the newest release from 
>> > 2010.
>> > I've added very rudimentary and incomplete support for sndio, it's just 
>> > enough
>> > for playing a midi track via audacity. The sndio stuff is in 
>> > files/pm_sndio/.
>> > It is extremely simple compared to the alsa version (pm_linux). :)
>> Please comments below,
>> > Audacity can then use the shared portmidi library instead of the bundled
>> > version. The attached audacity.diff does that.
>> > It seems to work ok, I've tested midi playback in audacity using 
>> > fluidsynth.
>> I'm not sure I understand the rationale for all the changes contained in
>> the audacity diff, but it definitely looks like an improvement!  Sadly
>> it doesn't apply any more, now that audacity has been updated to 2.3.1
>> by Antoine.
> Attached is an new diff for audacity 2.3.1.
> It works for me on amd64/i386, I couldn't test on other archs yet.
> I didn't manage to make it work without the do-gen step, mainly because
> some of the libs (e.g. FileDialog) where wrongly built as shared libs
> instead of static libs.
> Any help on improving the patches is welcome.

ack.  I may have some tweaks but the changes look sane overall.
audacity seemed to run fine in my (limited) tests.

>> > Any thoughts or comments?
>> Regarding portmidi:
>> - SHARED_LIBS should start at 0.0 (if only because it tends to prove
>>   that SHARED_LIBS is honored)
>> - java is still needed even if you don't include the pm_java subdir
>>   and the jni lib is built unconditionally, this is bad for !(x86).
>>   I think the easiest way to handle it is just to force-disable all
>>   java-related stuff for now.
>> - what is the rationale for the .pc file?  Do other distros provide it
>>   and does audacity depend on it? Is "Version: 1.0" what the ecosystem
>>   expect?
> The .pc file is not provided by other distros, but audacity depends on it.
> Building audacity with '-with-portmidi=system' probably never worked.
> (see this thread: 
> Of course, the .pc file should be upstreamed if possible..
> You are right that "Version: 1.0" doesn't make any sense.  In the attached
> tarball, i've changed it to "Version: 217".

Thanks, I can't test the actual functionality but I think that portmidi
is ready to be imported.  Could I please get reviews/oks to import?

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