When I ran "pkg_add -Dsnap -u" earlier I was greeted with screen after
screen of output along the lines of:

  Can't install shared-mime-info-1.10p5 because of libraries
  |library glib-2.0.4201.2 not found
  | /usr/local/lib/libglib-2.0.so.4201.1 (glib2-2.58.3p8): minor is too small
  Direct dependencies for shared-mime-info-1.10p5->1.10p5 resolve to 
libxml-2.9.8p1 glib2-2.58.3p8
  Full dependency tree is sqlite3-3.27.2p0 gettext- glib2-2.58.3p8 
libffi-3.2.1p5 python-3.6.8p0 bzip2-1.0.6p9 libxml-2.9.8p1 xz-5.2.4 pcre-8.41p2 
  Can't install gdk-pixbuf-2.38.1 because of libraries
  |library gio-2.0.4200.9 not found
  | /usr/local/lib/libgio-2.0.so.4200.8 (glib2-2.58.3p8): minor is too small
  |library gmodule-2.0.4200.9 not found
  | /usr/local/lib/libgmodule-2.0.so.4200.8 (glib2-2.58.3p8): minor is too small
  |library gobject-2.0.4200.9 not found
  | /usr/local/lib/libgobject-2.0.so.4200.8 (glib2-2.58.3p8): minor is too small
  Direct dependencies for gdk-pixbuf-2.38.1->2.38.1 resolve to png-1.6.37 
tiff-4.0.10 glib2-2.58.3p8 jasper-2.0.14 shared-mime-info-1.10p5
  Full dependency tree is libiconv-1.14p3 python-3.6.8p0 bzip2-1.0.6p9 
pcre-8.41p2 jpeg-2.0.2v0 jasper-2.0.14 glib2-2.58.3p8 shared-mime-info-1.10p5 
tiff-4.0.10 png-1.6.37 libxml-2.9.8p1 xz-5.2.4 gettext- 
libffi-3.2.1p5 sqlite3-3.27.2p0

and so on. Virtually no packages appeared to update themselves. Confused, I
tried "pkg_delete -a", and reran pkg_add, but the same problem reoccurred.
Running it again I noticed a tiny line at the very beginning that seemed to
contain a clue:

  $ doas pkg_add -u -Dsnap
  quirks-3.142 signed on 2019-05-07T18:36:32Z
  [python-3.5.3]python-3.6.8p0->python-3.6.8p2+python-3.7.3p0: internal 
conflict between python-3.7.3p0 and python-3.5.3
  Can't install glib2-2.58.3p8->2.60.2: can't resolve python-3.7.3p0

After running "pkg_delete python-3.5.3" (upon which nothing seemed to
depend), "pkg_add -Dsnap -u" then worked fine. So it seems that the presence
of the python-3.5.3 package a) stopped pkg_add -u being able to do anything
useful b) caused it to keep trying to update packages even though it
couldn't (and obscuring the real source of the error). Unfortunately I
didn't think to save the state of my packages before this, so I can't easily
replicate my setup :/

Personal                                             http://tratt.net/laurie/
Software Development Team                                http://soft-dev.org/
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