On 6/15/19 4:56 PM, Lawrence Teo wrote:
On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 07:59:57PM +0200, Remi Pointel wrote:
On 5/14/19 7:48 PM, Jeremy O'Brien wrote:
On Tue, May 14, 2019, at 12:43, Anthony J. Bentley wrote:
Jeremy O'Brien writes:
I noticed this port was committed today. I have to
ask, did you actually try to use it? In its current
state, (sans my above changes), there is no decompiler
nor symbol demangler. This might have been OK to omit,
except for the fact that you will get a "Could not
find decompiler executable decompile" popup every
single time you click anywhere in the disassembly pane,
which makes this port unusable.

Indeed they are very annoying. I agree the port is not
"finished." But I've used Ghidra to do some minor work despite that, so
I'm happy to see it in. Revising the port to add the native tools would
be very welcome though.

If you're willing to compile it yourself, my MR here: 
https://github.com/NationalSecurityAgency/ghidra/pull/490 makes the native components 
build perfectly in OpenBSD. Just follow the ghidra DevGuide.md instructions after 
applying the patch. I also have my personal build here (but that of course requires that 
you trust a stranger on the internet): 
https://pintobyte.com/tmp/ghidra_9.1-DEV_PUBLIC_20190513_openbsd64.zip if you don't feel 
like compiling but want the "full" ghidra experience. I do like that the 
current ghidra port requires no compilation, as the compilation process is a bit 
heavy-handed and takes some time to complete, but I personally would prefer to see a 
fully-working port over a fast-installing one.

Thank you for feedback, I will try your patch to build ghidra and I will let
you know.
If you are motivated, you can send a diff that applies on the ghidra port to
integrate your work.



Here's my attempt to update Ghidra to add a native decompiler for
OpenBSD.  I created the patches based on Jeremy's pull request and used
to figure out the build steps.

I also did the following to make it build and conform to OpenBSD port

1. Ghidra is built using Gradle so I have attached a new port for
    devel/gradle 5.4.1.

2. DevGuide.md says they built Ghidra with Gradle 5.0 but I was able to
    build it successfully with Gradle 5.4.1.

3. To prevent the build process from touching $HOME, I made gradle use
    ${WRKDIR}/gradle as its home and also modified GHelpBuilder.java
    (the program that builds help files during build) to log to ${WRKDIR}
    instead of $HOME/.ghidra.

4. One of the Gradle scripts (ip.gradle) scans the Ghidra source tree so
    I had to explicitly tell it to exclude *.orig and *.beforesubst.

5. The port has to be built with a high `ulimit -d` (I set it to
    `ulimit -Hd` which on my system is 33554432).

Using the resulting package I was able to decompile programs without
encountering the "Could not find decompiler executable decompile" popup.

Tests/reviews/feedback welcome! :)


quickly tested and sounds good to me, thanks a lot for your work.



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