On Fri, 12 Jul 2019 at 23:45:00 -0400, Lawrence Teo wrote:
> This updates Burp Suite Community Edition to 2.1.
> http://releases.portswigger.net/2019/06/professional-community-edition-21.html
> I tested it with jdk 1.8 and 11 and it works fine with both.
> The previous burpsuite version could only use jdk 1.8 due to an issue
> with HTTPS interception [1] but that has been resolved with this new
> version, so I have changed MODJAVA_VER to 1.8+.
> Comments? ok?
> 1. https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=155944649912673&w=2

Looks like 2.1.01 is out :D (came out on the 16th).

portcheck(1) doesn't like the long line in "do-install:". 

Here is a diff that addresses both. Both diffs build/run fine for me!

OK abieber@ for either (with the long line fix)!

diff --git a/security/burpsuite/Makefile b/security/burpsuite/Makefile
index b1fc5b38985..9c99edc7123 100644
--- a/security/burpsuite/Makefile
+++ b/security/burpsuite/Makefile
@@ -2,10 +2,9 @@
 COMMENT =              tool for testing security of web applications
-VERSION =              1.7.36
+VERSION =              2.1.01
 DISTNAME =             burpsuite_free_v${VERSION}
 PKGNAME =              burpsuite-${VERSION}
-REVISION =             1
@@ -22,8 +21,7 @@ EXTRACT_ONLY =
 EXTRACT_SUFX =         .jar
 MODULES =              java
-# XXX if updating, please check if it works with jdk 11 and switch to "1.8+" 
if ok
-MODJAVA_VER =          1.8
+MODJAVA_VER =          1.8+
 RUN_DEPENDS =          java/javaPathHelper
@@ -32,7 +30,8 @@ NO_TEST =             Yes
        ${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/java/classes/
+               ${PREFIX}/share/java/classes/burpsuite.jar
        ${SUBST_PROGRAM} ${FILESDIR}/burpsuite.sh ${PREFIX}/bin/burpsuite
 .include <bsd.port.mk>
diff --git a/security/burpsuite/distinfo b/security/burpsuite/distinfo
index 04afc030fc1..340e2dc9d95 100644
--- a/security/burpsuite/distinfo
+++ b/security/burpsuite/distinfo
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (burpsuite_free_v1.7.36.jar) = 
-SIZE (burpsuite_free_v1.7.36.jar) = 26466374
+SHA256 (burpsuite_free_v2.1.01.jar) = 
+SIZE (burpsuite_free_v2.1.01.jar) = 300627459

PGP: 0x1F81112D62A9ADCE / 3586 3350 BFEA C101 DB1A  4AF0 1F81 112D 62A9 ADCE

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