Hi Nam --

On 7/19/19 4:45 AM, Nam Nguyen wrote:

I opened an issue upstream for 64-bit
multiplayer. https://github.com/diasurgical/devilutionX/issues/191

I managed to get 0.4.0 to work with TCP multiplayer on amd64. I have
attached it here in case you want to test against it.

The two main diffs are:
* patch-SourceX_dvlnet_frame_queue_cpp
* patch-Source_msg_cpp

These deal with 64-bit issues. In particular, msg.cpp cleans up some
pointer arithmetic where there happened to be padding. frame_queue.cpp
copies from a 32-bit type to a 64-bit type.

These diffs have to be removed when building for i386, so perhaps some
macros and platform detection need to be added.

I briefly tried merging my work against the git version, but I ran into
a segfault and haven't had time to investigate a possible regression.

Testing should focus on the git head version that you posted, and you
should have the final say on 0.4.0 vs git head. Git head has had many

We'll sync with releases starting with the next release (presumable 0.5).


In testing the git head version:

* TCP dialog box saying "unable to create game"
* UDP terminating with uncaught exception of type
std::__1::system_error: send_to: Socket is already connected

* TCP player 2 successfully connects to player 1
* UDP same socket error

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