On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 02:36:45PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> that is kmos@
Oops wrong Kurt. You're right, this was kmos@. Sorry. 

> : COMMENT =           python SHA-3 implementation
> as a proper noun Python should start with caps.
Ok, I've reformulated it to take this into account and to not start with
an uppercase. 
> nitpicking, but you have =<space><space><space><space><tab>, please
> zap the extra spaces and just use tabs there

> MODPY_SETUPTOOLS already adds to dependencies as necessary
> (RUN_DEPENDS and BUILD_DEPENDS; TEST_DEPENDS isn't needed for something
> which is already in BUILD_DEPENDS because you can't test until you've
> built it).
Understood. So I've removed both RUN and TEST _DEPENDS to only keep

Build and install OK on amd64. 
I've re-run the regression tests for both flavors and all 50 completed

See attached for a new tarball including these changes.
clematis (0x7e96fd2400fe7b59)

Attachment: security_py-pysha3.tar.gz
Description: application/tar-gz

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