On 2019/11/10 08:28, Jeremy Evans wrote:
> This is a new port for the sassc gem.  This gem replaces the deprecated
> sass gem.  It exists to compile sass and scss files into css files, and
> is now the recommended implementation to do so in Ruby.
> This gem embeds libsass instead of linking to it.  It does not offer a
> method for linking to an existing libsass, and that may be an indication
> that only the embedded version is supported.  It currently uses the
> embedded version, but I'm not opposed to modify it to depend on the
> libsass port and link to it instead.
> OKs to import?
> Thanks,
> Jeremy

Needs deps on ruby-ffi, otherwise OK.

Maybe it's worth adding a comment to libsass to mention that ruby-sassc
embeds its own copy in case there are security fixes?

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