On 2020/01/18 11:10, Jan-Piet Mens wrote:
> Hello!
> This is a new port for ssh-copy-id(1), a script to copy one's SSH
> keys to remote hosts, ensuring that ~/.ssh and authorized_keys are
> created with correct permissions
> Tested on 6.6-CURRENT
> Previous discussion [1], and I've adopted Bryan's suggestion of using the
> portable OpenSSH mirror with apologies to Stuart for having made him create
> and have to destroy the mirror at [2] :-)
>       -JP
> [1] https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-ports&m=157901150806726&w=2
> [2] https://spacehopper.org/ssh-copy-id-20161215.tar.gz

> V=              8.1p1
> PKGNAME=        ssh-copy-id-${V}
> DISTNAME=       openssh-${V}
> CATEGORIES=     sysutils

p1 can't be used in PKGNAME as it conflicts with REVISION, usual practice
is to replace p with pl, e.g.

DISTNAME=       openssh-8.1p1
PKGNAME=        ssh-copy-id-8.1pl1


V=              8.1p1
DISTNAME=       openssh-${V}
PKGNAME=        ssh-copy-id-${V:S/p/pl/}

DIST_SUBDIR isn't useful.

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