Antoine Jacoutot writes:
> On Mon, Jan 20, 2020 at 11:31:11PM +0100, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
> > What's the policy for adding debug packages to ports?
> > 
> > Is the intend to add debug packages...
> > * eventually to all ports
> > or
> > * only to ports where they seem particularly useful?
> I think the policy is up for debate really.
> Nothing has been decided yet.
> My humble opinion is that "particularly useful" is subjective...

It would be more useful I think to make the ports and release build
processes more approachable so that debugging symbols can be made
available. If they need it, that is - I haven't had any real trouble
beyond locating the correct documents to read and fumbling my way

The reason being that including debugging symbols means you're,
well, debugging. In the event that something bug-like is discovered
debugging symbols will certainly make the stack traces sent to
maintainers & developers more useful but a full OpenBSD build
environment *right there* makes it easier to fix the bug where it
was discovered and where that fix can be tested, resulting in not
only a patch, but a *working* patch.

When making things easier for people, I prefer to make it easier
for people to make my work easier, not make it easier for them to
just give me more work.

Perhaps the enormous packages could have debug-symbol-filled variants
but these days even that argument holds little water. I don't have
the numbers to hand but the things which have traditionally had the
worst build times - kernels, gcc, java, X, even firefox until they
brought rust in to repair that oversight - now have build times
measured in hours or minutes rather than weeks.

tl;dr: grep -ri strip /usr/share/mk and, yes, read. No ";dr" for you.



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