On Tue, 21 Jan 2020, Stuart Henderson wrote:

> > blob - 031dc25d0da2814e24f88a0718ed0a0a7194a40d
> > blob + c778d79fc708ac37809fb11369e635cc9292160f
> > --- devel/py-country/pkg/PLIST
> > +++ devel/py-country/pkg/PLIST
> > @@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
> >  @comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 1.8 2019/02/17 20:22:22 sthen Exp $
> > +lib/python${MODPY_VERSION}/
> > +lib/python${MODPY_VERSION}/site-packages/
> I'm not sure how these lines were added, the directories come from a
> dependency though and don't need listing. update-plist removes them here ..

Those lines come from update-plist.  I try not to touch PLIST manually,
only to remove lines like those (this time I did not see them, sorry).

I'll try to see next time when are they introduced, because is not the
first time I see them on an updated python port.

It seems that kmos has commited with your suggestions, so thank you both

Paco Esteban.

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