On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 05:49:33PM +0100, clematis wrote:
> Taking recent feedback into account here's a new tarball including those
> additional changes: 
Can you clarify what "recent feedback" that was?

> -FLAVORS =    python3
> -FLAVOR ?=
> +# Tests to come in future version
> +NO_TEST=     Yes

> Sill run OK with devel/legit 1.2.0
Above diff actually breaks your legit update because the flavor used in
its dependency list no longer exists.

You probably only tested your already existing installation after
repackaging py-crayons, but you cannot have successfully tested the
legit update itself with this.

On the submission itself:  Personally, I'm fine with importing new
python ports as Python 3 only, but that makes for an ugly situation
where python ports become a wild mix of flavored and Python X.Y only as
nicely demonstrated above.

I don't know how we want to handle this situation, but it would be
better to find consensus and work toward one solution.

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