On Sat, Feb 01, 2020 at 10:53:41PM -0800, Andrew Hewus Fresh wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 01, 2020 at 07:10:40PM -0800, Andrew Hewus Fresh wrote:
> > After the most recent simplification of portgen's port finding code, I
> > think we can stop using sqlports and instead look to see if any
> > $PORTSDIR/*/$PKGSTEM exist without a significant loss of functionality.
> > We currently look for any FullPkgPath that matches the PKGSTEM in
> > sqlports.
> > I'm not aware of any module ports where that stem isn't the
> > same as the directory name, and if there are, is that worth needing to
> > install sqlports and p5-DBD-SQLite?
> Turns out, I can ask what those are.  Not sure it's still worth it, but
> since there are some where we'd find a port that does exist, maybe we
> should leave it.

I think we should leave it.  The potential problems in NOT finding the stem
are not worth the risk.

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