On Sat, Feb 01, 2020 at 03:29:25AM -0500, Raymond E. Pasco wrote:
> - I used a modified distfile provided by abieber with a vendor directory,
>   which is necessary due to the large number of go package dependencies.

IMHO, bundling things defeats the purpose of ports/package system.  What
do you do if a dependency got a security update? Grep all distfiles if
bundled somewhere and re-roll and depend on abieber (no offense!) to 
handle that?

How about adding the dependencies as own ports instead? We do the same
for python, perl, etc.  I know, this is a lot of work, may be portgen
can be tricked into handling go first...

> - The custom version of go-libvterm used by aerc upstream includes an
>   (unmodified) bundled copy of libvterm itself, which causes issues with
>   the build. I instead link against devel/libvterm.

What issues? However, using the existing port makes sense, but why have
you still bundled it?
> - One filter script shipped with aerc (to display HTML email) depends on
>   socksify (provided by security/dante) and www/w3m. I did not include these
>   as RUN_DEPENDS because this is an optional script disabled by default,
>   but I'm not sure whether this approach is correct.

I suggest to add a note to package readme.

> - cgo in go 1.13 (but not go 1.14) considers ~ an invalid path character,
>   but the top-level package name here (and therefore WRKSRC) contains an ~.
>   I remedied this by moving the vendor directory contents up to the level
>   of the MODGO_WORKSPACE. This workaround shouldn't be necessary when go
>   1.14 is released.


> - aerc can be built with notmuch support, but notmuch isn't in ports (yet?),
>   so I didn't bother with this.

There were some submissions for notmuch in the past, but afaik never

Other than that, I tested your port and it works for me. Would be nice
to have this imported.


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