Thank you, committed :)

On 2020/02/13 18:10, Thomas Dettbarn wrote:
> Good day everybody.
> My interpreter for classic text adventure games "dMagnetic"
> just saw release 0.22. The last one I found in your CVS
> was 0.20, so I took the liberty of creating a patch from that,
> foregoing the 0.21 release.
> While I was at it, I also improved upon the "do-test:" target.
> Instead of just testing the possibility to simply run the 
> game, it actually checks if the output is different in 
> several output modes, and if the default .ini-file is
> behaving correctly. 
> Please find the patch attached to this Email. And thank you,
> once again, for giving me the opportunity to have my 
> project reach a wider audience.
> Thomas

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