On 2020/02/23 14:32, Alex Naumov wrote:
> Hey ports@,
> I'm asking just to be sure that I'm not the only one who has this problem.
> By trying to build ports/packages dependent on python 2.7 on my arm64
> machine I get this error:
> ...
> ===>  Building package for python-2.7.16p1
> Create /usr/packages/aarch64/all/python-2.7.16p1.tgz
> Creating package python-2.7.16p1
> checksumming|***********                                        | 6%
> Error:
> /usr/obj/ports/Python-2.7.16/fake-arm64/usr/local/lib/libpython2.7.so.0.0
> does not exist
> pkg_create: can't continue

Not sure what's up with this, though I see you're using non-default
directories and might not have got things setup quite right, some ports
are sensitive to these (e.g. sometimes if you have symlinks vs real
directories for the directory containing the ports tree there can be
problems). Without knowing how the machine is setup it's hard to advise.

But re pkg_add:...

> By trying to install python 2.7 on the same machine I also get error:
> # pkg_add python
> quirks-3.232 signed on 2020-02-14T23:21:22Z
> Ambiguous: choose package for python
> a 0: <None>
> 1: python-2.7.17p1
> 2: python-3.7.6p1
> 3: python-3.8.1
> Your choice: 1
> Can't install python-2.7.17p1 because of libraries
> |library sqlite3.37.10 not found
> | /usr/local/lib/libsqlite3.so.37.7 (sqlite3-3.29.0): minor is too small
> Direct dependencies for python-2.7.17p1 resolve to bzip2-1.0.8
> libffi-3.2.1p5 sqlite3-3.29.0 gettext-runtime-0.20.1p0
> Full dependency tree is sqlite3-3.29.0 gettext-runtime-0.20.1p0
> libffi-3.2.1p5 bzip2-1.0.8 libiconv-1.16p0
> Couldn't install python-2.7.17p1
> #
> I don't have this problem on my -current amd64 systems.
> Can somebody reproduce this problem on arm64 or just tell me why I get this
> errors?
> Thanks,
> Alex

In -current complete sets of new packages are built all the time (several
full builds a week on the faster architectures) and libraries can and often
do change between builds as ports are updated.

If you are going to install a new package on -current you should first run
"pkg_add -u" to update everything else. If that fails due to changes in
libraries in the base OS then you will need to update to a new snapshot
and rerun pkg_add -u.

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