
> http://build-failures.rhaalovely.net/sparc64/2020-03-01/lang/hashlink.log

- C11 requires ports-gcc, so i added COMPILER
- then the build fails because we don't have gethostbyaddr_r(), so i
  used the fallback code like it was already the case for other
  functions. Clang is unhappy as well, but too permissive as usual.
- while collecting the patch i have found out that it had DOS line
  endings, so i fixed all patches that have them. Because of that
  i'm attaching the diff.

Once all that stuff has been done, it builds on powerpc [0] and is still
good on amd64.

Comments/feedback are welcome :)


[0] https://bin.charlenew.xyz/hashlink-1.10p0.log

Attachment: hashlink.diff
Description: Binary data

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