> Built and regress tests run successfully on amd64, macppc and sparc64.
> Some further light testing on amd64 with some toy databases.

I have run the regression tests a few more times and it looks like I got
lucky when running the tests on sparc64 the first two times. Running
them results in one test failure seemingly a bit more often than not:

*** [err]: pending querybuf: check size of pending_querybuf after set a big 
value in tests/unit/pendingquerybuf.tcl
the used_memory of replica is much larger than master. Master:35666976 

The numbers aren't exactly the same each time, but they're in the same

I've seen this test fail on sparc64 before (not sure if elsewhere). 
The update seems to trigger it far more often.

I don't think we need to rush this update in, but I'm also not sure if
reason enough to hold it back.


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