Here's a helpful tool for logical domain related hacking on sparc64;
I've used it to verify *.md files generated by ldomctl(8) as well as to
inspect the PRI of my machines for example.

It might also be helpful for users of logical guest domains who want to
inspect their machine description through the /dev/mdesc file.

mdprint is a Python 2 script and part of the ldomsmanager sources, which
are available as SRC RPM from Oracle Linux's YUM repository.  Despite
multiple references and mentioning of these programs, their upstream
package is the only source I could find.

post-extract basically does what rpm2cpio(1) would do on linux.

do-build uses Python 3's 2to3 tool to ditch Python 2;  with a tiny patch
the mdprint tool is fully usable for me on both sparc64 and amd64 to
display my machine descriptions in a human readable form.

DESCR is taken from mdprint's usage, I only added line breaks and the
"(Solaris only)" to reflect that automatic PRI reading does not work on

Feedback? OK?

        Information for inst:mdprint-1.3

        print sun4v machine descriptions

        mdprint prints the contents of the provided binary sun4v MD file.

        If no file is provided, the "guest MD" is read from the device file 
        which is expected to be present on all sun4v guest domains.

        If no file is provided and the -P/--PRI option is used, the PRI
        (physical resource inventory) MD is read from the device file
        "/devices/pseudo/ds_pri@0:ds_pri" (Solaris only).

        The complete PRI is only available on the "primary" domain.

        Maintainer: Klemens Nanni <>

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