Le 28/03/2020 à 12:44, Solene Rapenne a écrit :
In kdump output

  18793 mlvpn    GIO   fd 2 wrote 62 bytes
        "2020-03-28T12:34:22 \^[[1;34m[INFO]\^[[0m em0 bind to
  18793 mlvpn    RET   write 62/0x3e
  18793 mlvpn    PSIG  SIGSEGV SIG_DFL code SEGV_MAPERR<1> addr=0x161473675b 
  18793 mlvpn    NAMI  "/var/crash/mlvpn.core"

I've fixed this issue with mlvpn 2.3.5.

I cannot reproduce the pledge problem for now, will try later..


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