On Fri, 05 Jun 2020, Klemens Nanni wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 05, 2020 at 11:15:05AM +0200, karlis.mikels...@lf.lv wrote:
> > Yes, it does. Just deployed FreeBSD test VM and installed kubectl package:
> > $ kubectl version --client
> > Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"18", GitVersion:"v1.18.0",
> > GitCommit:"", GitTreeState:"", BuildDate:"2020-05-15T10:10:43Z",
> > GoVersion:"go1.14.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"freebsd/amd64"}
> No idea why our build does not pick it up...
> > > Why overwrite version and date in the first place?  Does it matter?
> > It's not critical (or even important) for kubectl operation, but still
> > would be nice to have.
> I'd just drop these bits;  if at all, they're only relevant for
> reproducible builds which we do not support anyway.
> > You are correct and this is indeed better way to build kubectl. I've
> > attached updated version of this port.
> Thanks for testing.
> I looked further into this and here's a greatly simplified Makefile that
> works just fine:
>       # $OpenBSD$
>       COMMENT =               command line tool for controlling Kubernetes 
> clusters
>       GH_ACCOUNT =            kubernetes
>       GH_PROJECT =            kubernetes
>       VERSION =               1.18.3
>       GH_TAGNAME =            v${VERSION}
>       PKGNAME =               kubectl-${VERSION}
>       CATEGORIES =            sysutils
>       HOMEPAGE =              
> https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubectl/overview/
>       # Apache License 2.0
>       PERMIT_PACKAGE =        Yes
>       WANTLIB =               c pthread
>       MODULES =               lang/go
>       GO_PKGNAME =            k8s.io/kubernetes
>       WRKSRC =                ${MODGO_WORKSPACE}/src/${GO_PKGNAME}
>       ALL_TARGET =            ${GO_PKGNAME}/cmd/kubectl
>       .include <bsd.port.mk>
> No custom targets, I also adopted the variable name GO_PKGNAME from the
> FreeBSD port.
> Are you fine with this?
> Any porters around with an OK for import?

As said earlier, works ok for me on GKE clusters so ok paco.

Paco Esteban.

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