Predrag Punosevac <> wrote:

> Hi Steffen,
> I apologize for a direct email. I am not sure new mailing list will
> allow me to post. 
> I kept my own v14.8.12 copy of nail after few things got broken on
> OpenBSD.  I didn't notice that you adopted OpenBSD port and updated it
> to 14.9 branch until today. Old port was behind the version I was using.

Hi Steffen,

I apologize for cross posting. After upgrading my laptop to 

predrag@oko-mobile$ uname -a
OpenBSD 6.7 GENERIC.MP#2 amd64

I felt it was the time for me to jump the ship and finally go with
s-nail from the official ports tree. 

predrag@oko-mobile$ pkg_info s-nail
Information for inst:s-nail-14.9.17

I got to the bottom of all "issues" I originally reported

in the thread. I used quotation marks around issues as in the hindsight
there was really only one. All other issues were due to the fact that I
didn't realize that you have completely rewritten s-nail and there is
really not much in common with the original Heirloom mailx

which I used for at least 15 years. That is not to say that the things
don't work or they are worse. They just work different. It took me two
full days of dicking with it to get a to get a hang of it.

First thing first you really trough me off the board with Ctrl+D instead
of next line and a dot to sent the email. I have not read the code, and
even if I did I don't have sufficient programming background to
understand design decession but I am using dot to sent emails since
circa 1989 and that is a hard pill to swallow. That is why I kept
reporting that sending email doesn't work. 

I noticed that 14.9.17 on 6.7 doesn't report that annoying message

There are new messages in the error message ring (denoted by ERROR),
nail:   which can be managed with the `errors' command

I really like new configuration grammar. This is my not so minimal
working example

predrag@oko-mobile$ more .mailrc 
set ask
set crt
ignore message-id received date fcc status resent-date resent-message-id
resent-from in-reply-to

set mailx-extra-rc=~/.nailrc

and this is dotnailrc file

account gmail {
        set inbox=imaps://
        set imap-use-starttls
        set password="secret"
        set folder=imaps:// record="+[Gmail]/Sent Mail"
        set from="Predrag Punosevac <>" \
            mta=smtp:// \
        set smtp-use-starttls 
        set smtp-auth="login" 
# IMAP SHORTCUTS SECTION for standard Gmail folders
        shortcut allmail +[Gmail]/All\ Mail
        shortcut sent +[Gmail]/Sent\ Mail
        shortcut spam +[Gmail]/Spam
        shortcut trash +[Gmail]/Trash
account cmu {
        set inbox=imaps://
        set imap-use-starttls
        set password="secret"
        set from="Predrag Punosevac <>" \
            mta=smtp:// \
        set smtp-use-starttls 
        set smtp-auth="login" 
# IMAP SHORTCUTS SECTION for standard Gmail folders
        shortcut allmail +[Gmail]/All\ Mail
        shortcut sent +[Gmail]/Sent\ Mail
        shortcut spam +[Gmail]/Spam
        shortcut trash +[Gmail]/Trash
account hotmail {
        set inbox=imaps://
        set folder=imaps://
        set imap-use-starttls
        set password="secret"
        set from="Predrag Punosevac <>" \
        set smtp-use-starttls 
        set smtp-auth="login"

# Binary options
set askattach
set askcc
set autocollapse
set autosort=thread
set junkdb=~/.junkdb
set v15-compat
set tls-verify=strict

# String Options
set imap-keepalive=240
set imap-list-depth=5

# Reading HTML mail
set pipe-text/html="lynx -dump -force_html -stdin"

# Address Book
alias   somebody

For people who would be reading this email one comment. Without

set folder 

line you will not be able (not in a convenient way) to list your IMAP
folders. I feel new grammar is nicer than the old. I have been using
s-nail now for three days. I really, really like what you have done with
search options. The only time in my life I contemplated switching to nmh

was for its integration with standard shell tools (of course MH format
is really a big plus).

I see that you are planning to remove IMAP support and that would be a
tough thing for me to swallow.

I also noticed that you put a lot of time into documentation. Most of
the stuff is there but it feels a bit disorganized for my taste. I wish,
I was younger and less busy. I know that you could use a helping hand.

Really good job!


> I just installed v14.9.15 but my configuration files seems to be broken.
> I skim through documentation and I see that at least my smtp options are
> no longer correct. Could somebody help me fix my .nailrc file so that I
> can jump on the latest code. 
> This is what I have now
> account gmail {
>         set folder=imaps://
>         set imap-use-starttls
>         set"Secret"
>         set record=+[Gmail]/Sent\ Mail MBOX=+mbox outfolder
>         set smtp=""
>         set from="Predrag Punosevac <>"
>         set smtp-use-starttls
>         set smtp-auth="login"
>         set smtp-auth-user=punosevac
>         set smtp-auth-password="Secret"
> # IMAP SHORTCUTS SECTION for standard Gmail folders
>         shortcut allmail +[Gmail]/All\ Mail
>         shortcut sent +[Gmail]/Sent\ Mail
>         shortcut spam +[Gmail]/Spam
>         shortcut trash +[Gmail]/Trash
>         }
> # Binary options
> set askattach
> set askcc
> set autocollapse
> set autothread
> set emptystart
> set junkdb=~/.junkdb
> # set ssl-v2-allow
> # set v15-compat
> # set tls-verify=strict
> # String Options
> set imap-keepalive=240
> set imap-list-depth=5
> # Reading HTML mail
> set pipe-text/html="lynx -dump -force_html -stdin"
> # Address Book
> alias   test

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