On Tue, Jun 09, 2020 at 01:33:12PM +0100, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> py-xlwt: math/ would be better than devel/, otherwise ok
> py-ldap0: DESCR should warn that this is only intended for running
> the author's software and not for general use (upstream says
> "Don't use it for your own project! The API may change at any
> time without further notice! You have been warned!").
> databases/ would be better than devel/. otherwise ok
> web2ldap:
> it's an application rather than a python library, should
> sysutils/ doesn't seem a natural location, either www or databases
> would be better (I'd prefer databases, maybe www as secondary
> category)
> the hand-rolled install parts are error-prone. I suggest
> post-install:
>         cp -r ${WRKSRC}/htdocs ${PREFIX}/share/doc/web2ldap
>         mv ${PREFIX}/etc/web2ldap ${PREFIX}/share/examples/web2ldap
>         rmdir ${PREFIX}/etc
> this results in small changes to the plist; .htaccess, ssi, robots.txt
> in doc (which can just be left) and these in examples:
> +share/examples/web2ldap/logging.conf
> +share/examples/web2ldap/tls/ca-bundle.pem
> looks like maybe logging.conf was missed before?
> ca-bundle can be @comment'ed.
> this will mean that future updates don't require careful checking to make
> sure that new files haven't been missed.
> pkg/README should use the standard format (as in README.template and every
> other port that has a pkg-readme), but it doesn't seem necessary anyway,
> I suggest just patching hosts.py to use
>         # File containing all the trusted root CA certs
>         ldap0.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE: '/etc/ssl/cert.pem',
> as a sane default. otherwise users will be following upstream docs
> to configure things anyway, there's nothing special for OpenBSD there
> really.

100% agree with all that - i've imported py-ldap0 under databases/ and
py-xlwt under textproc, and here's a new tarball for web2ldap to put
under databases/ taking into account your feedback.


Attachment: web2ldap_2.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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