On Fri, 12 Jun 2020 16:04:22 -0600 (MDT)
c...@openbsd.org wrote:

> Bulk build on macppc-0.ports.openbsd.org
> Started : Tue May 26 11:12:39 MDT 2020
> Finished: Fri Jun 12 16:04:08 MDT 2020
> Duration: 17 Days 4 hours 51 minutes

^ We swapped some monsters that failed at runtime for GNOME/MATE 
stuff :)

> Built using OpenBSD 6.7-current (GENERIC) #722: Mon May 25 18:07:09
> MDT 2020
> Built 9939 packages

> http://build-failures.rhaalovely.net/powerpc/2020-05-26/cad/openscad.log
> http://build-failures.rhaalovely.net/powerpc/2020-05-26/databases/sqlitebrowser.log

I'll commit the fix just after that mail

> http://build-failures.rhaalovely.net/powerpc/2020-05-26/devel/geany.log


> http://build-failures.rhaalovely.net/powerpc/2020-05-26/mail/kopano/core.log

Fixed, won't build on ld.bfd archs again

> http://build-failures.rhaalovely.net/powerpc/2020-05-26/security/aircrack-ng.log


> http://build-failures.rhaalovely.net/powerpc/2020-05-26/x11/gnome/builder.log

Fixed, but it requires also that uncommitted fix for libdazzle:


> http://build-failures.rhaalovely.net/powerpc/2020-05-26/x11/gnome/eog.log

Rust only, it wasn't and won't be available, fixed.

> http://build-failures.rhaalovely.net/powerpc/2020-05-26/x11/qt5/qtwebengine.log

Fixed, added NOT_FOR_ARCHS

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