On 2020/06/14 06:58, Romero Pérez, Abel wrote:
> Hello,
> I am thinking to port telegram-desktop from FreeBSD to OpenBSD. But I am not
> sure if it will be accepted by the security policy.
> As I always start the practical thing before to read the theory, because I
> always think that I don't know if I am able to do, and that makes me to read
> on the road, I ask first if somebody experienced is wondering to do this
> work also. Because I see a project for a long time and this is my first
> port. Nothing else to say, just hoping it to be well accepted as
> web.telegram.org is working fine on Firefox but it is not complete and
> flexible.
> Have a nice day,
> thanks by reading.

I don't see why not. For some reason I assumed this was an Electron app (tricky
to port, I don't think anybody has got any to work in ports) but actually it's
Qt5, they aren't always the easiest of things to port but I don't see any big

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