On 2020/06/16 16:27, Andrea Fleckenstein wrote:
> Thanks to the newly ported qtwebengine (and py-qtwebengine), a newer
> version of anki is now possible. I have chosen 2.1.16 based on the
> advice of @sthen, who recommended to use the latest version before rust
> code was added.

Neat! Thanks, I have made a few changes and committed it.

> The "web" folder in the source distribution needs to be installed, which
> is an addition from the older 2.0.52 version. I decided to install it
> within the aqt folder, and made the according changes in aqt/mediasrv.py
> to detect it. Is this a reasonable choice?

I think so - we can change it if someone has a good reason not to.

> 'py-distro' is a dependency if the platform is not 'win32' or 'darwin',
> this obviously is intended to mean 'linux', but I'm not sure what it
> means for OpenBSD.

It doesn't seem to do much that's useful.

> There are a few errors given on startup:
> [77254:-1971705896:0616/150959.964156:ERROR:process_metrics_openbsd.cc(146)] 
> Not implemented reached in bool 
> base::GetSystemMemoryInfo(base::SystemMemoryInfoKB *)
> [77254:-1971705896:0616/150959.968819:ERROR:process_posix.cc(389)] Not 
> implemented reached in base::Time base::Process::CreationTime() const
> but it doesn't seem to affect basic functionality. I will be doing more
> heavy use in the coming days.

These are qtwebengine things which aren't ported to OpenBSD yet,
they shouldn't cause a real problem.

> I've done my best with my limited porting and python module knowledge,
> advice and corrections much appreciated.
> Happy remembering,
> Andrea

Thanks for the update!

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