‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Thursday, August 6, 2020 8:38 AM, Martin <martin...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> Redis-pgsql builds using integrated gcc. No any ports/gcc is needed.
> Martin
> $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2020/08/02 00:37:13
> =============================================
> COMMENT = extension to PostgreSQL for read/write to Redis database
> GH_ACCOUNT = nahanni
> GH_PROJECT = rw_redis_fdw
> GH_TAGNAME = v1.0
> PKGNAME = redis-pgsql-1.0
> CATEGORIES = databases
> WANTLIB = c crypto pq ssl hiredis
> LIB_DEPENDS = databases/postgresql \
> databases/libhiredis
> BUILD_DEPENDS = databases/postgresql,-server
> RUN_DEPENDS = databases/postgresql,-server
> .include <bsd.port.mk>
> distinfo
> SHA256 (rw_redis_fdw-1.0.tar.gz) = 
> 91538c46a5682bafeaf7bfcaf82b2b6b5723c4fc457d2cdb1e397e4692df7d8a
> SIZE (rw_redis_fdw-1.0.tar.gz) = 34036
> pkg/DESCR
> Extention to PostgreSQL provides Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for
> read (SELECT), write (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) access to Redis
> in-memory database. It supports all Redis data types: string,
> set, hash, list, zset, and pubsub.
> Redis FDW packaged as a PostreSQL extension and can be used
> for speed up I/O operations using Redis in-memory database.
> pkg/PLIST
> @comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v$
> @so lib/postgresql/redis_fdw.so
> share/postgresql/extension/redis_fdw--1.0.sql
> share/postgresql/extension/redis_fdw.control
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Wednesday, August 5, 2020 9:54 PM, Martin martin...@protonmail.com wrote:
> > Comments?
> > $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2020/08/02 00:37:13
> > =============================================
> > COMMENT = extension to PostgreSQL for read/write to Redis database
> > GH_ACCOUNT = nahanni
> > GH_PROJECT = rw_redis_fdw
> > GH_TAGNAME = v1.0
> > PKGNAME = redis-pgsql-1.0
> > CATEGORIES = databases
> > WANTLIB = c crypto pq ssl hiredis
> > COMPILER = base-clang ports-gcc
> > LIB_DEPENDS = databases/postgresql \
> > databases/libhiredis
> > BUILD_DEPENDS = databases/postgresql,-server
> > RUN_DEPENDS = databases/postgresql,-server
> > USE_GMAKE = Yes
> > .include <bsd.port.mk>
> > distinfo
> > SHA256 (rw_redis_fdw-1.0.tar.gz) = 
> > 91538c46a5682bafeaf7bfcaf82b2b6b5723c4fc457d2cdb1e397e4692df7d8a
> > SIZE (rw_redis_fdw-1.0.tar.gz) = 34036
> > pkg/DESCR
> > Extension to PostgreSQL provides Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) for
> > read (SELECT), write (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) access to Redis
> > in-memory database. It supports all Redis data types: string,
> > set, hash, list, zset, and pubsub.
> > Redis FDW packaged as a PostreSQL extension and can be used
> > for speed up I/O operations using Redis in-memory database.
> > pkg/PLIST
> > @comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v$
> > @so lib/postgresql/redis_fdw.so
> > share/postgresql/extension/redis_fdw--1.0.sql
> > share/postgresql/extension/redis_fdw.control

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