On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 04:22:46AM -0600, Aaron Bieber wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2020, at 3:41 AM, Mikolaj Kucharski wrote:
> > 
> > $ env PORTSDIR=/home/mkucharski/openbsd \
> >     /home/mkucharski/openbsd/ports/infrastructure/bin/portgen go 
> > github.com/cli/cli
> I am not 100% sure setting PORTSDIR via env will work. Can you set it via 
> mk.conf to see if it gets further?

I should mention that I already had PORTSDIR in mk.conf, before I
executed portgen. Here is my entire mk.conf file:

# /etc/mk.conf
PORTSDIR = /home/mkucharski/openbsd/ports
PORTSDIR_PATH = ${PORTSDIR}:/home/mkucharski/openbsd/mystuff
SUDO = doas

I've looked at mail archives and I think I'm executing portgen with
correct arguments, so I guess I need to dive into the code.

        portgen go github.com/cli/cli

Above is correct execution, putting aside my issue, right?


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