On Sat, Sep 12, 2020 at 12:57:41PM -0400, Kurt Mosiejczuk wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 05, 2020 at 05:45:09PM -0600, Thomas Frohwein wrote:

> > I started using UnityPy for a project and it would be useful to see
> > about adding it to ports. It essentially allows accessing the assets of
> > Unity projects. I've included 4 of the 5 dependencies in the
> > attachments: py-brotli, py-lz4, py-fsb5, py-texture2ddecoder. The last
> > one is py-Pillow and is already in ports.

> > A relatively simple example is on the project GitHub page:
> > https://github.com/K0lb3/UnityPy#example

> > I've tested this and it works, and will probably be using it regularly
> > in the near future.

> > Some notes on the ports:
> > - py-brotli build a bundled version and doesn't provide a way that I
> >   could find to link to system libs from archivers/brotli.

> Here's a version of archivers/py-brotli I'm happier with. It's got a better
> DESCR, and can run the tests if they are copied into place. (I've opened a
> pull request upstream to include them in future).

A quick correction on this, it didn't have a HOMEPAGE before. I've added
one now.


Attachment: py-brotli.tgz
Description: application/tar-gz

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