On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 02:30:40PM -0500, Chris Bennett wrote:
> I have not fully checked this over, but it is a dependency for the
> p5-Locale-CLDR group.
> I have questions about the CPAN examples.
> This way (not necessarily the right way), produces the Perl scripts as
> executables, but adds more to the Makefile. Does this really matter?
> I can also simplify this, but then the Perl scripts are not executable.
> I'm a little unsure about how CPAN_EXAMPLES ought to be done, as I see a
> bunch of different methods in existing ports.

I believe if you set MODCPAN_EXAMPLES=Yes and get rid of
MODCPAN_EXAMPLES_DIR_HOOKS and the post-install target, it looks like
that should Just Work (and make update-plist agrees with me).  I don't
think that the examples should be executable as they are more for
looking at than for actually running.  Plus, they don't have #! lines so
they wouldn't run anyway.

You don't need RELEASE_TESTING='' because the MAKE_ENV is cleared so
nothing leaks. 

I'm unsure about the ellipsis in the COMMENT, but that's what upstream
has, so I guess.

I personally don't like so much whitespace and prefer PKG_ARCH to be
near MODULES.  I think it would look better more like this.

> # $OpenBSD$
> COMMENT =     declare class attributes Moose-style... but without Moose
> DISTNAME =    MooX-ClassAttribute-0.011
> CATEGORIES =  devel
> # Perl
> MODULES =             cpan
> PKG_ARCH =            *
> RUN_DEPENDS =         devel/p5-Exporter-Tiny \
>                       devel/p5-Moo>=1.0 \
>                       devel/p5-Role-Tiny>=1.0
> TEST_DEPENDS =        devel/p5-Moose
> MAKE_ENV +=           TEST_POD=1
> .include <bsd.port.mk>

andrew - http://afresh1.com

I think I understand, but my stubborn brain refuses to admit it
until I beat it into submission by proof upon proof.
                      -- Michael Shiloh <michaelshiloh1...@gmail.com>

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