I2P software bundle, includes the standard I2P implementation.

Updated to 0.9.47
*Enables our new end-to-end encryption protocol by default for some services.
 The Sybil analysis and blocking tool is now enabled by default.

*I2P is an anonymous overlay network - a network within a network.
*It is intended to protect communication from dragnet surveillance
 and monitoring by third parties such as ISPs.
*Is decentralised completely unlike tor. Each client routes
 anonymous and encrypted traffic from other clients by default.
 No central directory for routing.
*I2P incorporates applications in the form of webapps.
*Webapps plugins (*.su3) can be loaded easily through the console.
*Includes a ready mail(smtp pop3) client, i2psnark (bittorrent) client,
 and Jetty (webserver). Or host with your own webserver.
*Allows anonymous chats through IRC tunnel service.
*Plugins for blogging, chatting, file sharing have already been written.
*Every service(plugin) works within the i2p network itself(Except mail).
*Not supposed to be used as an outproxy, still an outproxy is included.
*I2P source code includes a java-service-wrapper compiled for specific
 targets but is not compatible with OpenBSD.
 So I've included a new port tanukiwrapper, and configured I2P to use it.
*Very exhaustive(functionality) but easy to use router console.

*Run the rc service, browser based console at localhost:7657.
*Set HTTP proxy to localhost:4444 to view eepsites.
*Been running the router for months now, with no problems.
*Personally tested the default and external plugins(e.g muwire).
*Test dependencies not present in ports, will add to it.
*Mount separate partition for /var/i2p if you do heavy transfers.

Index: infrastructure/db/user.list
RCS file: /cvs/ports/infrastructure/db/user.list,v
retrieving revision 1.374
diff -u -p -r1.374 user.list
--- infrastructure/db/user.list 8 Sep 2020 22:35:04 -0000       1.374
+++ infrastructure/db/user.list 15 Sep 2020 12:14:17 -0000
@@ -368,3 +368,4 @@ id  user            group           port
 857 _web2ldap          _web2ldap       sysutils/web2ldap
 858 _purritobin                _purritobin     www/purritobin
 859 _miniflux          _miniflux       net/miniflux
+860 _i2p               _i2p            net/i2p

Any comments/OK's?

Attachment: tanukiwrapper.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: i2p.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

Attachment: diff
Description: Binary data

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