This was me:

> > Perhaps Chris Knight will latch onto a label and put out the
record that
> > some had hoped he'd put out in the first place -- with his harder-edged
> > tunes.
This was Joyce L.:

> You know, the assumption that the label always dictates
what the record 
> should sound like and the inference that this is done against the artists' 
> wishes in all cases is kind of annoying.  I'm no label apologist (at least 
> not anymore!) but my hunch is that Chris Knight made the record he wanted 
> to make, not necessarily the record that Decca wanted him to make.  (I have 

And this is me again:

So who made that assumption? It sure wasn't me. If you'll read my words,
you'll see. It's kind of annoying when people misread a post, and respond
to a preconception rather than the actual statement. -- Terry Smith

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