I think Jon's made a good point about the bio on their official web site
doing an actually pretty good job of discussing the band's past, but having
seen the Chicks myself a number of times from '90 on, a couple of these
passges just about made me blanch;

> . All the act needed was a charismatic
>  >lead singer...."I loved watching them play," Natalie recalls.
>  >"Martie and Emily had always been the best part
>  >of Dixie Chicks. 

   Uhh....no.  I realize this is their record company's doing, but both Robin
Macy and Laura Lynch were not only better singers IMO, but *far* more
charismatic, as it were.  And I know Bob already said that but dammit I had to
chip that in <g>. 

Dan Bentele, dedicated to reducing the fiber content of P2....


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