I'm surprised Andy or some other British P2er hasn't mentioned this band
(or maybe they have, and I somehow missed it).  I just received their
debut album, and it's a stunner.  Titled The Three EPs (and released by
Astralwerks here in the States), it collects their three British EPs onto
one hard-to-describe full-length.  Imagine a blend of acoustic roots,
homegrown beats, slacker funk, oddly processed vocal harmonies, obscure
samples, psychedelic tomfoolery, and much, much more.  And while that may
sound like a dilettantish mess, it's far from it.  The songs cohere
surprisingly well, and the album sounds rather relaxed, low-key, and
subtle.  The Beta Band makes the much-hyped Gomez seem awfully tame and
unimaginative in comparison.  The more adventurous P2ers should be all
over this.--don

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