At 02:32 PM 99-01-28 -0500, you wrote:
>On Thu, 28 Jan 1999, Joyce Linehan wrote:
>> I have to second the recommendation of this show, for its music as well as 
>> the show itself.  It's really good.  Nancy Marchand is great in it, as is 
>> Edie Falco, who has been on Homicide a lot (another show with a very 
>> talented music supervisor).  
>I got cable just in time to catch the opening 3 episodes and it is my show
>of the year for plot and music.  and I am italian, so it is resonating
>great.  BIG EXTRA -- has anyone mentioned Little Steven's role -- he is

Count me as a Sopranos fan as well, and yes Little Steven is great - love
that Scarface imitation with the stolen suits.

What's the name of the actor who plays Big Pussy?  Can't seem to find out
from either IMDB or the HBO site.  Has the character's "real name" been


John F Butland   O-

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