Some of the more "internet savvy" users might know more about this, however, I
thought I'd pass it along to the list...

(sorry...there's no twang...with the exception of the person who sent it my
way..but that doesn't count, does it?)



> < > Subject: "No" Internet fees
>   >> Date: Wednesday, January 20, 1999, 12:05 PM
>   >>
>   >> Congress will be voting in less than two weeks...
>   >> to decide to allow a Charge to your phone bill
>   >> equal to a Long Distance call EACH time you
>   >> access the Internet.
>   >>
>   >> The address is
>   >>
>   >> Visit the address above and fill out the necessary form! Tell
>   >> your congressman to vote against Internet Access
>   >> Fees!
>   >>
>   >> If EACH one of us, forward this message on to others in a hurry,
>   >> we may be able to prevent this injustice from happening!
>   >>
>   >> For example:
>   >>
>   >> Dear Representative:
>   >> Please vote against the bill which will allow charges
>   >> to my phone bill equal to a Long Distance call EACH time
>   >> I access the Internet.

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