On that gun thing, I found this from an interview from around the time
of excitable boy.

I think Zevon was pretty close to the edge around this time.....

"Sometimes he's the most normal person I know," confides Zevon's wife
Crystal, 28. "And sometimes he's totally crazy. He's

always nice with me and the baby, but every now and then he'll just
decide to do something -- like fall down a flight of stairs. I

ususally laugh. He's pretty humorous." Even Crystal confesses to being a
touch "terrified" now that Warren has invested in a .44

Magnum. Recently, Zevon was so enjoying brandishing the weapon as he ran
around his house wearing a duck mask that

friends had to corner and disarm him. "In the '60s," Zevon explains, "I
couldn't have conceived of owning a gun. Now in the

'70s, I feel that nobody's going to mess with me. You go from mindlessly
believing in peace to arming yourself to learn how to

have it."

ummm - yes.


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