In a message dated 1/31/99 9:40:57 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

<< << I own 2 records from the "Anthology of American Music" on  New World
 Records that are just incredible.  "Country Music South and West" was
 by Bill Ivey and features songs from the '20's-'40s by Rodgers, the Carters,
 McMichen, Harry Choates, Ted Daffan, etc.  "Going Down the Valley" has
 Shortbuckle Roark, the Callahan Bros., Puckett, Macon & a bunch more. 
  My query:  I remember that I heard several other records in this anthology
 diferent genres.  I also believe I learned that the entire anthology was
 available only to libraries and other institutions.  Does anyone know the
 whereabouts of any of these records for  purchase or dubbing?  Any other info
 on the anthology?  (I kinda think it was a bicentennial thing, as it came out
 in the late '70s.)  >>
 I have about 20 of the LPS in that series, but I have also seen CD reissues
 some of the same LPs, and the CDs were for sale in stores. You might try a
 search on something like CDNow to see whether they carry any of them. >>

i'll bet the folks at elderly instruments (they sell records) in east lansing,
michigan, can tell you. ditto for the people who run roots and rhythm in el
cerrito, califronia.

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