At 05:39 PM 1/31/1999 Jon wrote:

>I ran across a pretty interesting CD today, a 1993 release called Rocky Box.
>Am I just now tumbling to something that's pretty well-known, or do I have a
>surprise for everyone?

If you're talking about the CD "Rocky Box: Rockabilly - Boxcar Willie with
The Skeletons" K-Tel 3190-2, it's something of a revelation, though it's
been out for almost 6 years and has been available in the $5.99, then $3.99
bins at Best Buy for the last year or so. It's not a rare release, exactly,
but I don't think it's probably all that well-known either. It's cool to
see those particular characters together, and any recording with the
Skeletons on it is worth owning. (Though of course any Skeletons recording
isn't close to how fantastic they are live, as anybody'll tell ya)

barely following the Super Bowl with the TV sound off...can't stand Madden.

p.s. That JL disc is in less-than-great condition Jon, though it plays.
I'll keep looking.

"The truth ain't always what we need, sometimes we need to hear a beautiful
lie." -Bill Lloyd

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