I wanted to de-lurk long enough to acknowledge the fine P & P2 contingent
in Boston.  I live in Newport, RI and going to Boston for shows can be
problematic for me for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that
I hate to drive, especially alone and at night.

I recently met a fellow, Pete Gallant,  on Postcard and we began to go to
Boston shows together.  So far we've seen Son Volt, Golden Smog and Fred
Eaglesmith.  At these shows I've met Tom Stoodley, Morgan Keating, Stacey
Taylor, Rebecca Katic and  Lisa (ooh, sorry Lisa, I've forgotten your last
name) and a nice fellow lurker named Martin.

Pete and I had planned to drive up for the Old 97s show on Thursday (1/28),
but at the last minute Pete realized he had a conflict and couldn't go.  I
decided to take the bus up for the show and to stay overnight in my
daughter's dorm room (she and some friends was going to the show, too). 
Tom, Rebecca, Martin & Lisa were at the show (along with Tom's friend Kathy
(?) and another friend, Dave).

Tom suggested I stay over another night for Stacey's Hellcountry show on
Friday, featuring Elena Skye and the Demolition String Band.  He kindly
offered to get me to and from the show (and my daughter graciously agreed
to to allow her mom to hang around an extra night).  I jumped at the chance
both to see ES&DSB and to finally get to a Hellcountry show.

Both shows were fantastic.  Tom may write a review of the Old 97s.  I'll
just say that if you get a chance to see Elena Skye don't miss it.  I had a
head cold that seemed to reach its peak on Friday night.  My eyes burned
and were watering, my nose was running and I was tired from the Old 97s
show the night before, but when Elena Skye and the Demolition String Band
hit the stage and Boo, the guitarist,  played the opening riff I was cured.
 Halleluiah!  So go see Elena Skye and the Demolition String Band...The
Cure for What Ails Ya!!

And, Thanks, Tom for being such a nice guy.  Nice is definately under


Without music, life is a mistake--Friedrich Nietzsche

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