At 11:47 AM 2/2/99 -0600, about Marvin Gaye's Here My Dear, Lance wrote:

>Wasn't "Here, My Dear" Marvin's alimony "settlement" to his ex-wife? If so,
>I could see how he may have been less-than-inspired to create anything more
>than a toss-off. Not that it excuses it mind you, but it does make for
>interesting context.

It was part of the alimony deal, at least as I recall, but it was also just
a very angry and vindictive and honest and (often) beautiful way of getting
back at a spouse and dealing with a divorce.  I think marvin would've
argued--and many others have definately done so-- that this situation
created more inspiration in him, not less. He certainly didn't intend it as
a toss off, as even a casual listen to this lush and intricate double album
will attest. --david cantwell

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